Pinckney Benedict, "Booze"

The big psycho boar is on the loose.

(from Town Smokes)

Now, I don’t remember much about Moby Dick, but I don’t think this story’s hunt for the great white boar and that story’s hunt for the great white whale are comfy parallels. Our frightened narrator is no narrator, nor is he Ishmael. For him, killing big ol Booze would be something like self-defense. This boar, though you may have a hard time imagining this, is sort of the perfect predator, hunting and killing recklessly but somehow skilled at hiding, and sometimes going years without being spotted. Mere bullet wounds cannot stop it. And so, on the back of this massive, fearful beast, this story works amazingly. Part of me never wanted it to end, and another part was really hoping the beast would be brought down so we could get some peace around here. Awesome.
Doesn’t this story make you think about The Image of the Pig In Southern Culture?

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