(from Dogzplot Flash Fiction)
As I often find myself doing with really short pieces, I read this one twice. I like it. It’s a woozy mix of cold and hot. There’s something heavy about it, too. The sentences run thick with words, clumps of them. Hard to think concretely about a story like this.
Read it yourself, twice, here.
Visit Molly Gaudry’s blog, here.
Thanks, Patrick. Interesting, too, that you mention Molly’s in Philly in your next-most-recent review: my name is Molly and I’m interviewing for jobs today in Philly.
Don’t know if you’d be interested, but I thought I’d stop by and post this here.
Jason Behrends, of What to Wear During an Orange Alert, presents:
Special Orange Alert AWP Reading
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Blake Butler
Barry Graham
S. Craig Renfroe
Stephanie Kuehnert
Jason Jordan
John Domini
Allison Eir Jenks
Peter Schwartz
Ben Tanzer
Molly Gaudry
4736-38 North Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
(773) 293-2665